Moog DFAM only – ambient demo – No talking, just bleeps

Hello Musiclovers & friends!

I made a short video on the MOOG DFAM (Drummer from another mother),

People asked me if the DFAM is suitable for ambient & soundscapes. Therefore i made this short video.

There are so many ways to use this machine, but i kept it simple, using only the DFAM, a looper pedal and effects during this live recording. I hope to make part 2 soon.

The DFAM suits very well for experimental sequencing and mixed rhythms, it is great for surprises & creating versatily & weird sounds.

For more on point melodic control you will need other solutions,

I also notice that the audio out has a much lower signal compared to my other gear, I’m using the required cable (unbalanced TS type) as described in the manual. I use the Analog heat tru send/return of my mixer to boost the sound.


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